November 21st 2017 K − Hill Proprietary limited held its first launch; of the company and the magnificent Botswana's first smart city termed "Kgale Lake City"
Held under the theme "Its Here", the event was graced by different dignitaries from the Minister of Housing and Development Honourable Nonofo Molefhi, Chief Executive officers, Heads of Property from Banks and the media.
The Director of K Hill Mr. Moatswi Sekonopo mentioned in his speech that; a new green field game changer organisation in the built environment arena (K-Hill property development) and its flagship development project − Kgale Lake City − "will in return offer Batswana more opportunities and possibilities"
The development seeks to foster the Botswana Government’s growth and initiatives in the endeavors.To diversify the economy, Create employment, Provide human needs which is Housing, Turning Gaborone into a diamond city and spin off's thereof in contributing towards GDP growth, as well as growth of tourism in Botswana.The new Kgale Lakes City precinct features everything expected from a vibrant smart managed modern city mode.